Advanced threat analytics for click fraud is here
ClickGUARD gives you powerful advanced threat analytics for PPC Ads, all wrapped in a UI that lets you take action – fast.

ClickGUARD.Trusted by over 5000 global category leaders

Threat analytics. Eliminate fraud. Click. After click.
Click fraud is often explained as something your closest competitors might do, clicking away for hours in order to waste your budget and gain an unfair advantage in the marketplace. We wish it were that simple - manual click fraud is easily detected.
There are many sources of click fraud to consider – and unlike your competitors, the majority of them have no real interest in you or your business. It’s a massive problem - an estimated 14% of all clicks on PPC ads are attributable to click fraud.
Advanced threat analytics is the only real solution.
Click fraud protection — where detection meets prevention
When it comes to click fraud, you’re dealing with probabilities, not certainties. Many bots are designed to mimic human online behavior, like random mouse pointer movements, hesitation, and scrolling up and down pages. With this in mind, it’s important to understand the difference between click fraud prevention, click fraud protection, and click fraud detection.

Click fraud detection occurs when advanced threat analytics systems have assessed a click source as potential click fraud, based on a wide range of factors such as geographic location, unnatural and suspicious behavior, or an IP address from the same range as a previously identified threat.
The source can then be excluded, using click fraud prevention to stop that particular source from ever accessing your ads again.
The entire process is described as click fraud protection. ClickGUARD’s dedicated ‘Protection’ page allows you to quickly choose your protection settings - then sit back while ClickGUARD gets to work.
Adjustable cyber-threat analytics separates friend from foe
With ClickGUARD, the world’s best cyber-threat analytics is at your fingertips – built into a user-friendly tool that allows you to customize your ad fraud blocking parameters, so you can adjust your protection to suit the needs and click fraud vulnerabilities of your campaigns.
These include variables such as whether a click is outside the targeted geolocation, or whether non-human traffic is permitted.
Each click is then color-coded according to ClickGUARD’s threat gradings, instantly identifying activity that requires your attention.
Scalable threat analytics system
Our advanced threat analytics is also scalable. This means you can choose to dial back the level of protection, if you get worried you’re losing valid clicks through ‘false positive’ threat identification.
Even the most sophisticated cyber threat analytics are not immune to false positives - where genuine human interactions have triggered the software to intervene due to erratic or suspicious-looking behavior.